Thursday, September 6, 2012

Once a resident, now a visitor?

For my first full weekend back in Wisconsin, I decided to spend it with a number of people who I feel I have grown up with in a way.. in Stevens Point.

Nesco Snackmaster Express Food Dehydrator (Google Affiliate Ad)
I spent time with some quality kids and ate all my favorite Stevens Point food! Emy J's, Noodles & Co.,  Marvins and Jimmy Johns! Next time I must stop at Belts and Polito's to make it complete!

My first few stops included errands and catching up with fantastic people I look up to. Stop number one was to Old Main to return my borrowed graduation cap! While I had the parking spot, I ran over to the Admissions Office to see my former supervisor from when I was a tour guide, Danielle! We caught up  on everything from graduation to job applications, London to the future and then some!! With her help I was able to check in with a couple of my must see people in Residential Living and I headed in that direction next!

Catching up with my former Residential Living supervisors took over an hour, but every second was worth it! Everyone wanted to hear about London!! I think my face was stuck with a smile. I couldn't help it. I was home again!! During my time in the Residential Living department building, I was able to see a number of students I worked with in the past and other hall directors stopped in as well. Despite some of them loosing their heads over training, they could still manage a hug and hello. :)

When it was getting closer to the end of the office day, I headed out to visit my good friend Val at her gas station near Belts. Between a crazy Friday afternoon at the station and the heat, I left pretty quickly to see Erica and Marie for dinner at Emy J's!! I had the most delicious bison burger and apple & carrot soup! I cannot believe I didn't go there more often during my undergrad. I think I always thought it was too far away. It is NOT. Everyone in Point should eat there once a month, if not once a week. It's a great way to support the local business. And even if you don't eat their main foods, they have great ice cream. It definitely rivals Belts!

After dinner Marie and I headed over to Knutzen to surprise her former hall director, and my previously former hall director, Ann! She was certainly surprised. Getting to see her again and catching up was a blast!! Later in the evening, Erica, Val and I had found out about a friends birthday shindig in downtown Stevens Point. Of course we attended and surprised a number of people with our attendance. Talk about a great time! The Sugar Bar has not seen a better time.

On Saturday I met my good friend Kyle for Noodles & Co. for lunch. Considering their Wisconsin Mac and Cheese is the best I've had since baked Mac and Cheese.. I absolutely had to have it while I was visiting! Not to mention, I got to be really good friends with Kyle over the last school year, it was a must that we caught up!! Shortly after eating Kyle had to get to a wedding, and I had to pick up Erica and Marie for  a Mary Kay party! We put the top down on my dad's Mustang Convertible and headed to the MK Party. We were there to help support a friend of mine for starting her MK Business, Gillian. I'd say she did a pretty darn fantastic job and had to have been quite successful from the one party!

After the party finished and we headed back into Stevens Point, I dropped Erica and Marie off at their apartment and headed to Marvins to meet Val and Rachel! Garlic yumminess ensued and then we helped Val move three cars worth of things from her old apartment to her new apartment. *Must remember the pay back when I move next.* After dinner and helping move, we headed to pick up Erica and we checked out what JR's had before going to Anna's in the Suites for a couple drinks. It was just what was needed. Friends, drinks, catch up, summer stories and great conversation. I'm missing Point so much, it is bizarre not to be a part of opening and training- I've done it for the last four years!

On Sunday I seemed to run around like a crazy person! My car wasn't working too well and when Val's parents came into town, they looked at what was under the hood and gave me a temporary fix to get me home a bit quieter! I also got to meet up with Mona for a hair cut at her apartment (with Tori, but she wasn't in Point yet). Mona and I had a great time filling each other in on the last few weeks since London-- traveling back to the US and our adventures before returning to Wisconsin! Too much fun! I also spent some time in the Hyer Hall Manager's office helping Dan go through boxes and cabinets full of old information he wanted to go-ahead on shredding or recycling. The most fun part was the amount of files from 1997-2001. The text, the word use, the pictures, it was all just too much. We saved a few just to show to their original creators who are still on staff for UWSP's Residential Living. Too great!!

Unfortunately I did not take any pictures with anyone's faces. My mom tells me I'm getting worse and worse at this. But the next blog will have some pictures-- we went to Minneapolis and spent a day at the Minnesota State Fair! Craziness and foods on sticks!

More to come-- Cheers!
Sarah Marsh

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