Sunday, January 15, 2012

Short Travels and Treks

Last weekend I went back up to Stevens Point to spend quality time with one of my past roommates who is now in graduate school in California. Seeing her and some of our great friends was an absolute blast. We made jokes and played games, sharing all kinds of stories recounting hilarity of our years at the university together. Together again, we were able to paint the town red and celebrate each other like rock stars. The trip was entirely worth it. Talk about fun.. Rather than only spending time as the two of us, we also spent time with her boyfriend and a number of their mutual work friends. Then we rounded out our time together in Point with random lunches with great friends, surprises from old friends, gossip, hockey, pizza, tours of the Suites @201, and lots of singing to Adele. It was only a short trek up to Point and such a great time with one of my best friends from college. I will be traveling out to California to see her and my cousins over a weekend and a few days of spring break in March. Look forward to more information and stories from St. Patty's day in California in a few months! I will be booking my plane tickets in the next two days!

As for other travels, continued preparation for London... I am studying the tube maps and reading about the neighborhood around where I will be living. Not to mention trying to narrow down where in Europe I want to visit, travel and trek to in the time I will be there. I need to find a shoe store in Italy and replace my red flats, and probably to purchase another seven pairs... Did I ever mention I love shoes? Did I ever include how much I adore shoes? Wearing them, selling them, showing them off, etc. etc. etc. I'm rambling. I also need to purchase my visa for London. More to look into, and the excitement continues to grow.

This week, I will be heading back up to Stevens Point for my last semester on campus. As a forewarning of my complaints in the next three months, here are the courses I will be taking: Introduction to Entrepreneurship, International Marketing, Economics, and Business Law and Ethics. The courses I am enrolled in that will not cause complaints include Orchestra and Jazz Band. They are my two favorites; I have been in orchestra for eight of my ten semesters on campus and jazz for all ten semesters. I do not know what I will do without them when I am finished with school. As another heads up, I will be in job training for most of the next week, and then the semester starts. If my timing seems a little off in the next few weeks, please accept my sincerest apologies.

Until next time,
Sarah Marsh

Monday, January 9, 2012

Adult-y Things

This week is full of work and opening new accounts and looking at things from the 'adult perspective'. I knew this stuff would come along. I didn't think it would  happen now.

People are asking me how much time I have left. I can officially say I'm going into my last semester on campus, then I do a semester/internship abroad in London and I will graduate in August 2012. I've just purchased an ipod touch.. I have the local weather set, and London's weather set. I have my 'newstand' filled with UK and British editions of magazines and newspapers. I'm reading each of these and the four guide books I have. For Christmas, I received a folding map of London and a similar insert for the underground map. The present most unique, I thought, was the cuff bracelet my parents found with the underground map engraved upon it! I'll never get lost (cross your fingers) and look fashionable always. :)

For Christmas, I was also given a piece of luggage. It's purple and it's L.L. Bean. I'm looking for names now. Louise has been tossed around, as a relative of the movie, 'Leap Year'. If you don't get the joke, watch the movie, throw it in the wash- it'll be grand.

As for other adult things, I'm continuing to work on sorting through items for donating, keeping, selling and tossing. It's so surprising what I have no interest in, when I know years ago I wanted the world's collection of these items: key chains, birthday cards, memories and photographs, dried flowers, etc. etc. etc.. I think this will always be a work in progress.

I return to school next week for job training and then my final semester at UWSP. I'll be giving updates of the study abroad plans and all of that as I receive the information. Be excited, because I sure am!!

All in good time,
Sarah Marsh

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Resolutions and Preparations

Everyone has a resolution at one point or another. You can make them for short term, long term or to improve upon for the next year. Right now, I'm considering my to-do lists my resolutions. For the time I am at home on break, I'm referring to a large to-do/resolution list to get things done in my room or around the house that I have been talking about doing for years. What to do with all the old t-shirts from high school and college? Turn them into the blanket I've been talking about since I graduated high school. Read all the books on the shelves in my room. Sell my old tv. Sell my old vcr. Re-organize my closet and donate unwanted things to Goodwill or St.Vincents.

In a way, my to-do list/resolutions are small steps to complete my list of preparing to graduate and study abroad for my internship next summer in London. I made a list of items in my room at school that need to slowly come home so that I don't have to move out everything at once on the same day that I graduate. I'm also attempting to get ready for life after interning. In case the organization I will intern for wants me to stay on, I'm ready to say yes. If they don't need me, I am applying for a number of jobs now.. just in case.

Preparation is creating anticipation and excitement. Talking to people about their trips and reading other blogs is only getting me more ready to be in London as soon as possible!!!

Until next time!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Day

For this blog, I don't exactly have a plan set in place. I want to write every once in a while, yet consistently, throughout my last semester on campus but also get in the habit of writing for next summer. In May, I will graduate from the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point with a degree in Arts Management, an emphasis in music, and a minor in business administration. For my final internship, I will be going to London as a part of an internship-study abroad program. I leave in June and will not return until mid-August or -September. Beginning the blog now, grants me enough time to establish a mood and consistency. Enjoy!!

I rang in the New Year with some family. We spent the day going through Kohler Design Center and enjoying the area around Kohler. Sinks, showers, and faucets oh my! We ate lunch at the Horse and Plow, the pub attached to Kohler's American Club. Food was delicious, highly recommend the three cheese and beer soup!
Once we were back to the house and stocked up on liquids and foods for the evening, we began with Bananagrams, followed by Farkle. Both games were a blast but conversation turned to reminiscing of the past and excitement for the future. We discussed some new years resolutions and found that we don't have much in mind beyond improving the experiences from the past and working hard in the future. We also enjoyed a splendid meal cooked by Mary Elizabeth (and Andrew)... baked macaroni and cheese with ham. For dessert, chocolate fondue with angel food cake, pine apple, bananas and strawberries. All the food was to die for.
We began watching Sherlock Holmes with the expectation that it will help us stay awake until midnight or later. Success. We turned to regular broadcasting around ten to midnight, figuring that watching a show with a countdown would be the best way to ring in the new year at twelve.
The clean up began. Bottles, cups, glasses, plates, napkins, you name it, it was probably found. And away to bed for all of us.

As far as what today holds, the answer there is probably football. Definitely some cleaning. Maybe even thank-you-card writing and taking down Christmas decorations. Either way, a slow and relaxing day is in store.

More to come..
Sarah Marsh