Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Bucket List!

I imagine it is time to update once again, and I know I won't top my two-in-one-nighter like last week, but there are somethings that should be addressed and discussed. I can say that I added a few things to my bucket list and crossed them off. You cannot consider them the most insightful or deep experiences, but they were an adventure. 
First, last week I experienced my first champagne fountain, flavored-oxygen bar and chip-n-dales men. Needless to say, these were all experienced in one evening, the End Of Term party/ Kevin's surprise 60th birthday party at ISH. It was such a blast, our whole group danced and took tons of pictures-- feel free to scoot over to Facebook now and check out some of the evidence. 
Second, I watched some (approximately 3 hours worth) of a cricket match at Lord's. The match was Oxford University v Cambridge University, and if you ask my friend who knew what was going on, he'll tell you I was there during the most invigorating and high-scoring three hours he has seen in a long time! A few of us from the group got dressed up and went out to experience Cricket. I think each of us took away one fact each, so maybe if you got us all together again, we could collectively teach you. However, this is asking a lot, so let's pretend like that will work! 
Third, I officially found myself 100% completely and totally lost in London. At the wrong time. In the wrong place. (Don't worry Mom and Dad, I didn't tell you about this one-on-one when we Skyped because I don't want you to worry too much.. I'd rather you read the light-hearted portions here!) To leave out the time and date, however relevant it should be, I'll advise you here to use your imagination. This one time ( :D ) I left a friend of a friend's flat, and I took his directions and got on the appropriate bus (and he was wrong). By the time I realized this bus was not heading where I wanted to go, in fact it was heading to (what I didn't think was possible) an even worse area of town, the bus route ended and I had to get off. I asked advice from the driver and he directed me to a better route home. Once on bus number two, and heading to an area of town I was definitely more familiar with, I rode it until it finished it's route. I hopped off and headed down the street I thought I knew... turns out it was also the wrong street, in the wrong direction. And by now you're probably wondering, "Why didn't you call or text someone Sarah? You're in London, and it's probably later than you're letting us believe, call someone for help!?" Right, that's when I remind you, the last phone call and text I made was from the first bus ride, each to a different friend asking for assistance, I quickly received a text from my carrier telling me, I was out of credits and could not make or send calls or text messages respectively (I can answer and receive in this situation, trust me, now I know!!). I walked for about seven blocks until I found someone on a bike who looked like a nice guy and I asked him for mapping/directional assistance. He looked it up on his blackberry -- informed me I was not on the street I thought I was, or walking in the direction I thought I was. PROBLEM! He sorted me out and set me off back in the correct direction. In this time, I received a phone call from two people I know on the trip calling to ask where I was, because when they received my text (over a hour ago), they hadn't heard from me since and got worried! I then found a (third) bus and jumped on, unfortunately this didn't get me to the end of the street, and I jumped off yet again and walked for about five more blocks before I finally stopped and read through the bus stop and found a bus to get me within a mile of home- a walk I've made dozens of times already and will probably make again when I'm done with this blog! After my fourth bus ride, I get off, pick up some wifi for my iPod and contacted the two wondering about my whereabouts to let them know I was almost home. I was not intending to put down "Get drastically lost in London between 11:30pm and 2:00am on a Sunday night" on my bucket list, but now, it's there. And crossed off-- whew.. I don't have to do that ever again! 
Fourth, Sunday.. I think I joined ISH's frisbee club with another girl on our trip, Jessica. Which I believe makes their membership grow from two people to four!! Jessica plays for the UWSP women's ultimate club team and I've got a pretty heavy respect/talent for frisbee (if I do say so myself) and we joined in and it seemed, that we surprised the boys. Take that! It was such a blast and in-between throws we ran to Tesco (cheaper 'grocery' place) and picked up a few beers and cheap wines, took them back to the park and continued to play. This whole open container thing is still really odd to me, but it was such a blast hanging out and playing frisbee with great people in Regent's Park. Now I just have to get myself up to Primrose Hill (the highest point in London) and check out the city from the best view! 
Fifth, yesterday during our class time, we sat through a couple hours lecture and then set off to walk throughout the city. Professor Alan Hertz teaches the class, man does he get passionate about the history and culture of those in Britain! I think a number of others on our trip are not fond of his analogies or descriptions, but I disagree. He keeps you attentive and captivated by stories upon stories. Yesterday, he took us down through Russell Square and discussed the ways the Russell family made it so that London was a place for everyone to live, and themselves to make money -- from renting/leasing on 999 year leases to leaving Russell Square open to those who lived around it, to building a church, to row houses, etc. etc. etc. Towards the end of our class (1pm-5pm) all of us are getting tired and quite hungry, he always ends our walks in an area where there is an abundance of food and typically the last few blocks of the walk is pointing out specific areas to eat various food options, whatever you please. Unfortunately, my friends Taylor, Adrian and I did not take him up on any of his suggestions- although they were to die for! Instead, we went to Walkabout. Walkabout is an Australian pub type set up with cheaper plates, which is perfect for those who are trying to keep costs down! And of course, if you're eating at an Australian pub, not only do you drink Australian beer, but you must also eat KANGAROO!! I had a kangaroo burger. Delicious. I would eat it again, and recommend it to all. But in my book, ostrich is still better. 
Sixth, today I got stuck in a large traffic jam on my way from a meeting at the LOST Theatre, where ShadowStage Productions will hold the "Red Riding Hood in the Shadows" performances in August. I decided to jump off the bus at the next stop and enjoy the nice weather, pick up some internet and people watch. Ironically, and quite more perfectly than I could have planned, I got off at Trafalgar Square. The best place for beautiful scenery and people watching. Unfortunately, I didn't get any wifi, but I did play soccer with a little boy from Brazil. I spoke a little with his grandfather, and they were both surprised at how well I could play in dress pants and wedges. But the little boy still has a ways to go, it was easy to play keep away! :) We should have gotten a picture.. next time perhaps. I sat on the edge of the fountain and took in the whole scene. From between the buildings, you could see Westminster peaking through, with the Union Jack flying from the highest tower, and in the beautiful weather/wind, I tried timing a picture with it out in full display. I wish everyone could have been there to see first hand.
As for an update, in a previous blog I mentioned how it was raining all day, every day, non stop and was painfully wet. Well, I'm not sure if summer is finally kicking in or if it's a fluke in the weather. But since Saturday, it's been gorgeous. Between cricket and frisbee this weekend, I picked up some nice sun burn. Who would have expected it! And the funny-not so funny part of it all, is my boots have arrived. I received a notification in the mail today that they are held at customs and I must go claim them (and pay a 25 GBP fee), go figure. I'm looking forward to my boots, jeans, shirt and hangers!! :) Just want I needed to survive! <3 
I think this is more than you wanted, so I should cut the rambling and remind you that I am having an absolute blast! I hope everyone's enjoying their summer!! If you're interested in receiving a postcard, please send me an email with your address (s.cooke2488@yahoo.com, marshcooke1@gmail.com)!! If you want to write me, please email me asking for my address.. I'd love to hear from you! Also, if you're more interested in up-to-the-moment happenings, follow me on Twitter at @marshcooke ... if you want to tweet about music follow @selectionsbySMC. 

Things to come in the future: final plans with our trip to Ireland, tours of Royal Albert Hall and Royal Opera House, and more updates about my internship!
Sarah Marsh

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