Wednesday, April 17, 2013


There are always a few things you should check when you are cooking. Be sure your measurements are accurate, that you do stir occassionally, etc. You should remember to also check on the things you're ad-libbing. Such as spices!

When I have a successful cooking experience, I consider it a pretty big deal. Though, I am very, very not surprised when something goes wrong either.

Leading into this one evening of cooking, I was planning on using almost all of the vegetables (carrots, broccoli, green pepper, and an unknown root vegetable {purchased as a sweet potato, but entirely NOT a sweet potato or any form of starchy root vegetable I've ever seen/cooked/eaten}), the remainder of my Butternut Squash Pasta Sauce, a can of beans, and an entire box of bow-tie pasta. After I pulled my vegetables out and started planning how I wanted to do this, my aunt who was baking pumpkin bread at the same time, suggested I use cinnamon and leave out both the broccoli and green pepper. She mentioned that she was using the cinnamon with her bread and that she would leave it out for me once she was finished.

When I finished with the pasta and then went to cook up some of the vegetables, I began adding the spice she indicated that she would be leaving out on the counter. I also did a quick once-over of the spice cabinet to see if I should add anything else. I did think a little something about seeing another cinnamon spice container in the cabinet, but did not think enough about it. When I drained the vegetables and added the pasta back in, I began stirring in the pasta sauce. Excited to be using a spice, I grab the cinnamon again and do a few shakes, mix it in, a few more shakes, mix it in, a few more shakes, etc. etc. etc.

It wasn't until I was dividing the pasta into multiple containers that I actually tasted some of this creation. Moving the serving utensil between the pot and the container, I dropped some on the counter. I picked up the accidental spill with my hands and tossed it in my mouth, expecting the most delicious pasta combination I have ever (personally) cooked. Only much to my dispair, I begin felling heat. Heat filled my mouth. Immediately I feel perspiration warming to my face. Although I swallowed, I knew I needed an entire bottle of water to cool the flavors in my mouth.

I double checked the spice container, still out on the counter: Cayenne.

Needless to say, I did end up eating the pasta as it was. It took me close to a week, with the assistance of many bottles of water, Wheat Thins & Hummus, and a few slices of french bread. Towards the end, it was alright; I'm just slowly building up my tolerance for spice food. Next to try? Srirachas Hot Chili Sauce. I'm totally kidding.

I think I should have my kitchen privileges revoked and my cooking skills put on probation.

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