Monday, January 9, 2012

Adult-y Things

This week is full of work and opening new accounts and looking at things from the 'adult perspective'. I knew this stuff would come along. I didn't think it would  happen now.

People are asking me how much time I have left. I can officially say I'm going into my last semester on campus, then I do a semester/internship abroad in London and I will graduate in August 2012. I've just purchased an ipod touch.. I have the local weather set, and London's weather set. I have my 'newstand' filled with UK and British editions of magazines and newspapers. I'm reading each of these and the four guide books I have. For Christmas, I received a folding map of London and a similar insert for the underground map. The present most unique, I thought, was the cuff bracelet my parents found with the underground map engraved upon it! I'll never get lost (cross your fingers) and look fashionable always. :)

For Christmas, I was also given a piece of luggage. It's purple and it's L.L. Bean. I'm looking for names now. Louise has been tossed around, as a relative of the movie, 'Leap Year'. If you don't get the joke, watch the movie, throw it in the wash- it'll be grand.

As for other adult things, I'm continuing to work on sorting through items for donating, keeping, selling and tossing. It's so surprising what I have no interest in, when I know years ago I wanted the world's collection of these items: key chains, birthday cards, memories and photographs, dried flowers, etc. etc. etc.. I think this will always be a work in progress.

I return to school next week for job training and then my final semester at UWSP. I'll be giving updates of the study abroad plans and all of that as I receive the information. Be excited, because I sure am!!

All in good time,
Sarah Marsh

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